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Pediatric nurse in Germany
2B1 International Consulting

Today for our column ‘Italian nurses in Germany’, we present Annalisa, pediatric nurse
in Munich. Here is what she tells us:
‘I’m Annalisa and I’m a pediatric nurse. I moved to Germany, exactly in Munich, in
July 2015. After studying for three years and graduating in Italy, my biggest dream
was to be able to work and apply what I had studied in to the practice. For three
more years I tried to overcome public competitive exams and I sent dozens of CVs to
the private field, but without any success. Unfortunately, in the health field and
especially for pediatric nurses, Italy now offers no opportunities for work or professional
growth. So one day among my many emailed resumes and almost “for a laugh”,
I responded to a job advertisement aimed at learning German and a subsequent job
opportunity in any part of Germany. I had never dreamed of working abroad or learning
new languages, but in spite of that I was invited by the 2B1 international Consulting
agency to hold a job interview on Skype and I wanted to risk it. After that,
almost still unaware of what would be after, I moved for 5 months to Civitanova Marche
to attend the German course. These were difficult but surprisingly fruitful months.
In just 5 months I learned a new language with lots of difficulties but with satisfaction
for reaching a German B2 level at the end. After just 3 days from the end of
the course my other colleagues and I were invited for another job interview first on
Skype and after two weeks directly here in Munich with an important university hospital,
located in Munich itself. The interview as well as the first day of trial in the
clinic were fine and although the problems with the language were countless at the
beginning, now I find myself satisfied with working in a neonatal intensive care, where
I have always dreamed of working. The approach with the new culture, the new
language, the new work has been gradual and a bit tiring but up to date I would do
everything again from the beginning and I can only say thank you for giving me this
beautiful springboard for my professional accomplishment.
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